Sunday 19 July 2009

Taekwondo : Aina & Emran Purity

July 19th, 2009 Aina & Emran Hakim (Ekim), have their upgrading session for taekwondo. Mmmm I pray for coming to Blue Belt for both of them. It was an early congratulation for both of them.

Hubby, with his new hobbies, taking some picture for the Upgrading Moment. He took more then 100's pix for the day. And published only in a few numbers of it. I guess that enough for the show and your infos.

As mom for the most beloved kids, I was there for encouraging with small action hero for the year (EziQ). Hahahahahhahaha.

Guess what, Eziq was around that day. He is the most happiest kiddo in town during the upgrading.
Anyway, those was the day my friend, ......... Aina, Ekim, Eziq, Abang (he is not in the pix, a cameraman) and Me (Blogger Owner). The time will never end for me and my family. Wassalam.

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