Saturday 18 July 2009

EZIQ in true colour

Emran Haziq (aka) Eziq, Ziqziq (His Sabah grand fahter called him) or Aziq (Atok Muar special call).

Just simple touch up done by hubby. Simple n purity. I think wazari photostream teach him a lesson. (I've drob by to wazari blog... wow.. ).

I've agreed that the skills are X.O., glad that my hubby knowing him. The guy that million touch on foto. Emmmm forget is not with Mr. DinDigitalFoto who teach him on picture qualiy.

Forgot to mention about Tawam (he mentioned la, a skill guy with camera). Anyway, that life of accountant that pay everything just to help according to rules.

Happy with his suppliment hobbies. mmmmm

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