Sunday 19 July 2009

EKIM, Our Family Greatest Hero.....

Ekim oh.... Ekim..., Today he just mentioned to me that, how naughty he was, he promise me to get all A for his subject on his coming exam.
Dear Readers, during I'm preparing this blog.... he was bagging to me to have his own column for the blog. A jealous (of his sister, who was ping to the blog) mind of a kid who get 8As for all his term examination this year and last year. Last year he got a control helicopter (for his final terms) and a PS2 (for his mid-terms paper).

This year he got a collection for Ben 10 & Ben 10 Alien Force DVDs (for his mid-term), and a collection of Transformers Collectors items. That my little heroes. Like my hubby said, "A Man never broke his promise when they come for their promises."

Ekim was so lucky for that, I look at my beloved hubby seriously love Ekim, Eziq and Mimin. He encouraging them for success.

Talking about Ekim, he is truly loves his younger brother. That our family greatest hero who love to watch "Smallville" every Sunday nite with his master planner (Abang). Kan Abang sayang. Muuuuuuuuuuah.

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