Sunday 26 July 2009

All We Need Is Just A Little Patience.......

Patience No 1 : For the whole week my 2 heroes keep on asking me about Mac Donald (Eziq called it "Mac Nones". What shall I do? In the end..... it doesn't even matter. So we do have a small party at BRP's Petronas that have a "Mac Nones" Booth.

All of us, including Bibi.... eating some burger, sup and chicken. Hubby with a cup of coffee and a Big Mac (his favourite).

Patience No 2 : July 25th, 2009, 3.45 pm. The day was totally hot. I'm too sleepy to drive. After we picking up, Aina & Ekim from their Taekwondo's lesson and sending my cute heroin to her tuition, our car was broken somewhere 4 km from our house. Our tyre was flatted out.
Ohhhh....... what a day.

Luckily, I have my superb heroes around. We changed it. Sabar je la.... It is cost us RM180/-.

Even though, we have our bihun sup somewhere at Damansara Damai for lunch before. The RM180/- is totally flat up our appetite.

What to do ? That thing has done. Sian Abang.... But that's what I call patience. Abang changed the flatted tyre for a few minutes than it's done.

Patience No 3 : July 25th, 2009, 3.45 pm. By the way, just look at my new blue belt master. He just silent and fall a sleep. He just asking for a KIT KATT and a cup of water. Betuah betullll..... My Beloved Hubby just smile and leave it on.

Patience No 4 : July 25th, 2009, 5.45 pm. The whole family is went to Sg. Buloh. Purposely to replace a brand new tyre that flatted out before.
It's done.... at 7.00 pm, we get a new tyre for our Kembara.

Since we were in Sg Buloh, I've mentioned to abang that I've a second planned for that day. I planned to buy Aina sport shoes. But, we dropby to the nearest shop, not only Aina is bagging for a shoes but Ekim and Eziq too. My goodness...... Boleh sengkek ni..... Instead of buying Aina's shoe,
than I have to buy all of their shoes ( Ekim was asking for his shoes, Eziq too and I
understood that Hubby need a new one eventhough he was silent. And forgot to mention Bibik that totally help me on my daily work-she also need a new one.).
Poor me. But, that's mom and wife for. Since that, I bought mine too. Takkan diaorang je kot....

After, everything done.... to cheer my hubby up, we drop by to a small stall for a dinner before we went home.

That was the day, my dear readers. Just an advise that All We Need Is Just A Little Patience .... in doing anything.

Anyway, why should I be patience to them was :-
  1. My Beloved Hubby is somebody special that always there when I need him;
  2. Aina is my cute princess
  3. The 2 Ben 10s (Ekim & Eziq) unexplainable why, I think you know, why.
  4. Bibik is somebody that help me alots in life, especially house work and the family.
Everyone of them are somebody that lighten my life up. Thank you my beloved family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sabo jer laaa.... nak buat camner...