Wednesday 29 July 2009

Majlis Hari Jadi Staff Bahagian Audit Dalam

Last Wednesday, 29 July 2009, kami di Bahagian Audit Dalam, PERHEBAT telah menganjurkan majlis harijadi staff (fasa 2). The 1st fasa was done somewhere in May 2009. Since we have 6 staff in BAD, the 1st fase is for 3 staff : our boss Pn. Sabariah, Mr. Izham and Mr. Zul.

Hah! inilah wajah2 yang diraikan on that day. Well.. who else... Me Myself (B.O.D. : 25th August), Mr. Zaini (B.O.D, : 20th July) and Mrs. Faezah (B.O.D. : 17 June).
Huhuhu!! kek pada hari tu telah dihadiahkan oleh boss kami.. Thankz Puan.. Mmm.. Yummy.. Chocolate Cake from Secret Receipe.

Menu for that day : Laksam, Pulut Durian, Bingka Roti, Popia Sambal, Kek Coklat, Buah Rambutan dan Mata Kucing dan Air Sirap + Oren). Yang pulut durian tu.. I ler yang masak... hehehe... thanks for all yang memuji masakan tu. Menu yang lain tu semua order jer...

Ini lah antara staff daripada bahagian lain yang turut memeriahkan majlis tersebut. Thanks for all yang sudi datang. Thanks to Yus, K.Zie, Ida, Manja, Siti, K.Midah, Pak Chot, Samat, K.Shida, Zafri, Romli and others.

Ok, thats all for 2day. Our next coming jamuan... insyallah after Hari Raya..

Sunday 26 July 2009

All We Need Is Just A Little Patience.......

Patience No 1 : For the whole week my 2 heroes keep on asking me about Mac Donald (Eziq called it "Mac Nones". What shall I do? In the end..... it doesn't even matter. So we do have a small party at BRP's Petronas that have a "Mac Nones" Booth.

All of us, including Bibi.... eating some burger, sup and chicken. Hubby with a cup of coffee and a Big Mac (his favourite).

Patience No 2 : July 25th, 2009, 3.45 pm. The day was totally hot. I'm too sleepy to drive. After we picking up, Aina & Ekim from their Taekwondo's lesson and sending my cute heroin to her tuition, our car was broken somewhere 4 km from our house. Our tyre was flatted out.
Ohhhh....... what a day.

Luckily, I have my superb heroes around. We changed it. Sabar je la.... It is cost us RM180/-.

Even though, we have our bihun sup somewhere at Damansara Damai for lunch before. The RM180/- is totally flat up our appetite.

What to do ? That thing has done. Sian Abang.... But that's what I call patience. Abang changed the flatted tyre for a few minutes than it's done.

Patience No 3 : July 25th, 2009, 3.45 pm. By the way, just look at my new blue belt master. He just silent and fall a sleep. He just asking for a KIT KATT and a cup of water. Betuah betullll..... My Beloved Hubby just smile and leave it on.

Patience No 4 : July 25th, 2009, 5.45 pm. The whole family is went to Sg. Buloh. Purposely to replace a brand new tyre that flatted out before.
It's done.... at 7.00 pm, we get a new tyre for our Kembara.

Since we were in Sg Buloh, I've mentioned to abang that I've a second planned for that day. I planned to buy Aina sport shoes. But, we dropby to the nearest shop, not only Aina is bagging for a shoes but Ekim and Eziq too. My goodness...... Boleh sengkek ni..... Instead of buying Aina's shoe,
than I have to buy all of their shoes ( Ekim was asking for his shoes, Eziq too and I
understood that Hubby need a new one eventhough he was silent. And forgot to mention Bibik that totally help me on my daily work-she also need a new one.).
Poor me. But, that's mom and wife for. Since that, I bought mine too. Takkan diaorang je kot....

After, everything done.... to cheer my hubby up, we drop by to a small stall for a dinner before we went home.

That was the day, my dear readers. Just an advise that All We Need Is Just A Little Patience .... in doing anything.

Anyway, why should I be patience to them was :-
  1. My Beloved Hubby is somebody special that always there when I need him;
  2. Aina is my cute princess
  3. The 2 Ben 10s (Ekim & Eziq) unexplainable why, I think you know, why.
  4. Bibik is somebody that help me alots in life, especially house work and the family.
Everyone of them are somebody that lighten my life up. Thank you my beloved family.

Friday 24 July 2009

An Energy Touch...... From CA18761 (My Beloved Hubby)

It was a shock for me that my beloved hubby e-mailed me some pixs to fit in, into my blog. Now, he is a little bit creative. That the thing the touch my heart, about him. From an original pix that has been scanned last year to a creative touch up for this year.

Well that the way he want, and he get it.

Firstly, I wonder how a professional accountant like him do it. But in the end, I ended my curiosity with a small assumption that, these are the thing that he learn either from Wazari or maybe Tawam (Redzuan Md Salleh). Anyway, as long that the friends of him is a purely true friend sudah lah..... Ok... Be Totally Carefully Abang, bucuk.......

Original Pix

Black and White Pix

A Touch Up Pix of Mine

Thursday 23 July 2009

Those Was The Day, And The Time Will Never End........

When I'm sneaking around my personal album, I found out a few pix to share with.

These are the memories forever with hubby, poorly hubby was always busy with pix talking. So sometime he is or was not in the pix. I try my best to get one for my diary.

2007 Moments

Flown Away to Sabah for a Vac (Dora's Wedding)

Tugu Peringatan Double Six-Simbulan, Kota Kinabalu
-2007's Vac with Abah and Mak

Muzium Melaka Bandar Bersejarah - 2007's Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

Tugu Negara - 2007's Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

Muzium Negara - 2007's Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

2008 Moments

Penang (Kenegaraan Puzzle- Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia)- 2008's Family Vac

Marina Cove Vac Lumut Vac 1 - 2008's Family Vac

2009 Moments (Part of)

Hari Tentera Darat, Kuala Lumpur - 2009's Family Vac

Lumut Vac 2 : Swiss Garden Lumut - 2009's Family Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

I guess that, some of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and a few of our vac in 2007, 2008 and 2009 was not included. Those was the day that never end with Hubby, The Kids, My Beloved Muar Family and My Sabah Family.

Personally, I will include those pixs on the coming sences of "Those Was The Day, And The Time Will Never End.... (Part 2)". Maybe some faces of happinest will be appeared on the part 2 column.

Sunday 19 July 2009

EKIM, Our Family Greatest Hero.....

Ekim oh.... Ekim..., Today he just mentioned to me that, how naughty he was, he promise me to get all A for his subject on his coming exam.
Dear Readers, during I'm preparing this blog.... he was bagging to me to have his own column for the blog. A jealous (of his sister, who was ping to the blog) mind of a kid who get 8As for all his term examination this year and last year. Last year he got a control helicopter (for his final terms) and a PS2 (for his mid-terms paper).

This year he got a collection for Ben 10 & Ben 10 Alien Force DVDs (for his mid-term), and a collection of Transformers Collectors items. That my little heroes. Like my hubby said, "A Man never broke his promise when they come for their promises."

Ekim was so lucky for that, I look at my beloved hubby seriously love Ekim, Eziq and Mimin. He encouraging them for success.

Talking about Ekim, he is truly loves his younger brother. That our family greatest hero who love to watch "Smallville" every Sunday nite with his master planner (Abang). Kan Abang sayang. Muuuuuuuuuuah.

Taekwondo : Aina & Emran Purity

July 19th, 2009 Aina & Emran Hakim (Ekim), have their upgrading session for taekwondo. Mmmm I pray for coming to Blue Belt for both of them. It was an early congratulation for both of them.

Hubby, with his new hobbies, taking some picture for the Upgrading Moment. He took more then 100's pix for the day. And published only in a few numbers of it. I guess that enough for the show and your infos.

As mom for the most beloved kids, I was there for encouraging with small action hero for the year (EziQ). Hahahahahhahaha.

Guess what, Eziq was around that day. He is the most happiest kiddo in town during the upgrading.
Anyway, those was the day my friend, ......... Aina, Ekim, Eziq, Abang (he is not in the pix, a cameraman) and Me (Blogger Owner). The time will never end for me and my family. Wassalam.

Saturday 18 July 2009

37 AINA's Moment

My beloved Aina. My Hubby lovely angel. Smiley girl. 37 AINA's moment is a simple collection of Aina's (Mimin) faces through out the year.

Great thanks to Hubby for the creative creation of Aina's pix.

Aina's moment is a dedicated creative collection to Aina, who is coming to 11 years old this coming November 2009.

I dream of her genius way to solve any puzzle, task and math tasks.

No matter what, when, where, and how she trying to achieve. We are the family who behind her.

Another touch of hubby creative moment that I love toooooooooooo much.

EZIQ in true colour

Emran Haziq (aka) Eziq, Ziqziq (His Sabah grand fahter called him) or Aziq (Atok Muar special call).

Just simple touch up done by hubby. Simple n purity. I think wazari photostream teach him a lesson. (I've drob by to wazari blog... wow.. ).

I've agreed that the skills are X.O., glad that my hubby knowing him. The guy that million touch on foto. Emmmm forget is not with Mr. DinDigitalFoto who teach him on picture qualiy.

Forgot to mention about Tawam (he mentioned la, a skill guy with camera). Anyway, that life of accountant that pay everything just to help according to rules.

Happy with his suppliment hobbies. mmmmm

Friday 17 July 2009

My Lovely Hubby

A = Accountant is his career
B = Being my husband on November 1998
D = "Darling" I call him
U = Understanding and Charming
L = Loving husband and father

H = He is the "MAN"
A = After searching for 24 years
L = Lastly, I find someone to be with
I = I love him so much
M = Marrying him... is the most beautiful day in my life...

Abang... thanx for being my husband.

Ayah dan Ibu

" Ayah Dan Ibu "

Ayah dan ibu...Itulah permulaan kami
Dapatlah melihat bulan dan Matahari

Yang dikurniakan dari Ilahi
Ayah dan ibu lah... Mesti dihormati

Ayah dan ibu... Wali dan juga keramat
Pada mereka kita beri hormat
Bagilah tunjuk ajar dan Nasihat
Supaya hidup
Supaya hidup kita akan selamat

From left : Ismail Bin Mohd Sham (Father in law), Juarah Binti Abd Rajak (Mother in law), Azizah Biti Hj. Sajiman (Mother) and Salleh Bin Hashim (Father)

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Hubby (An Accountant) with His New Hobbies

Mmmm..... Gosh.... What did my beloved hubby do the morning?

An Accountant who doing something new for his life. Sitting at his laptop doing that I called it a excellence/good job for his personal hobby. Mmm.... forgot to mention that his doing some editing to all the picture that his taken. It was so cute actually when he is done his work.

I guess it was a new hobby for his life, and maybe good for money (in the future, I'll hope).

Ever since he know a few newspaperman (Dahlan Ma'amor-ex TV3 Man), Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia photo shooter (Tawam & Amir), Tengku Marwan (The Sport Freelance Photographer) and Professional photographer (ie; wazari), he has changed.

I'm not talking to much... just look at the picture that he took. Awesome......... quite sharp. I love you, Hubby. May The Force Be With You. Ohhh Abang, I'm always back you up.

Mmmm... He mentioned to me that the first pix was titled "Senja Merah", The Accountant's Life (Second Pict), Seek and Hide(Third Pict) and Thinking with Skateboard (Fourth Pict).

Monday 13 July 2009

Cycling Activities

Hi!!! tara.......
Inilah aktiviti terkini yang dilakukan oleh kami pada masa terluang. Apa lagi... Cycling Activities...
Almaklumlah... bila umur pun dah lebih daripada 1/4 abad ni... kesihatan kena lah dijaga...
Kalau tak.... boroi ler jawabnya....

Ini gambar semasa kami berbasikal dari Kundang Jaya ke Bandar Tasik Puteri.... tak laa jauh sangat... dalam 19km jer.... hehehh!!! sampai rumah jer... rasa nak tercabut kepala lutut...