Wednesday 14 October 2009

Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Green

Tahun 2009 ni… kami memilih tema hijau untuk baju raya kami sekeluarga. Mmmm… cuma papa je yg tak pakai baju hijau… tapi kira ok ler.. sebab baju hitam tapi ada line hijau dan samping hijau… kira masuk dalam tema jugak lah…

Dan yang paling seronok tentulah anak-anak kami bertiga tu. Siapa lagi kalau buakan si kakak Yasmin yang dah pandai melaram… si abang Hakim yang sentiasa ceria dan si adik Haziq yang memang sangat2 nakal.

Sempat gak kami merakamkan aksi2 kami sekeluarga pada hari raya yang lalu. Almaklumlah suamiku yang sekarang ni tengah kemaruk ambik gambar… jadi kami anak beranak pun jadilah free lance model untuk portfolionya.

Ye!ye! Aziq nak laya-laya Siapa yang lebih comel...Abang atau Adik??? Yasmin sentiasa comel dengan senyuman

Adik mintak ampun ye bang Sayang adik abang nih....

Kids in black & white

kids in colour

Me & kids

Guys always in my heart

Beautiful ladies


RiangRiaRaya2009 085

Monday 12 October 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Salam Lebaran 2009 kepada semua yang mengenali saya dan keluarga.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Visit My New Blog

Hai!!! Please come and visit my new blog at

Sunday 9 August 2009


hello saya ben 10.
ini kakak saya buttercup the power puff girl.

Ini adik saya taichi digimon. Dia nakal bacin.
saya orang yang berani sebab saya kuat.


Hai nama saya Aina Yasmin. Saya adalah kakak sulong kepada dua orang adik lelaki saya. Adik saya bernama Emran Hakim dan Emran Haziq.Tarikh lahir saya ialah 6.11.1999.Hakim pula 5.10.2000 dan Haziq pula 3.5.2007. Gambar kami bertiga ini di ambil ketika di SOGO Kuala Lumpur.

Gambar ini pula di ambil ketika di Teluk Batik, Lumut, Perak. Hi..... hi..... hi.....Ketika itu kami baru sampai di sana. Air lautnya sememangnya cantik. Rugi kalau tak pergi ke sana. Saya tak dapat lupakan pengalaman kesana bersama - sama keluarga saya.

Saya pernah ke Sabah.Di Sabah tempat datuk dan nenek saya tinggal.Di Johor juga tempat kampung saya. Ayah saya bernama A Halim @ Abdul Halim.Ibu saya pula bernama Eley Yusnita.Tarikh lahir ayah saya ialah 5.8.1971.Ibu saya pula 25.8.1974.

Saya dan Emran Hakim belajar TAE KWON DO.Sekarang kami sudah mendapat tali pinggang biru. Kami belajar di bawah pimpinan Master John.Sekarang kami menjadi senior belt.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

H1N1 - Beware

Today, early in the morning the news was spread in PERHEBAT... 3 students were confirmed infected H1N1, 1 anak pelatih and 1 anak staff suspected H1N1.
HUH!!!!! WHAT A SHOCK.... suddenly me and friends feel very2 worry about what will happen to us. TAKOT GILER....
Got to tell hubby.... than, my hubby get worry tooo... he asked me to take leave... but if I take leave.... UNTIL WHEN????
Oh my God...... please...please... lindungilah hambamu dan keluargaku ini daripada malapetaka jangkitan H1N1 ini.
Before we go back from work today, all of us (staff) were given 1 mask = 1 staff.
And the students and the teacher from BLTV terima memo kuarantin for 1 week.
From now on.... I've to be more carefull with this H1N1... take care of myself and my family.

Hubby's Birthday

Today, 5th August (Wednesday) is my hubby's birthday...

Mmm... plan...plan...plan... what to do today... checklist..

Plan No. 1 - Birthday wish - DONE (this morning)


Plan No. 2 - Birthday present - DONE (in advance)
Huh!!! it cost me RM200+++++

Plan No. 3 - Birthday cake - NOT YET (this afternoon)
Hemmm.. nak beli kek apa yer.... Chocolate cake.. X... Cheese cake.. X.. Fruit cake..OK
Balik keja kena singgah Kedai Kek...

Plan No. 4 - Birthday party - NO NEED... (dah tue....)

UMUR??? berapa tahun??? Heheheh!!!! My hubby... getting older (opps!!! jangan marah ye bang...) today.. 38 tahun. Hah!!! remember... dah 38 tau... anak pun dah 3... tapi walau macamanapun... STILL "ADA PEKEJ"....


Tuesday 4 August 2009

Najwa's Wedding


Last sunday, 2nd August was my cousin's wedding day. The wedding reception was held at my uncle's house at Cheras - No. 35, Jalan 6/144-A, Taman Bukit Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur.

Majlis Perkahwinan tersebut adalah untuk meraikan kedua-dua mempelai

Najwa Binti Hamdani
Arffin Gutierrez Castillejos Bin Abdullah @ Agustin (pergh!!!! orang Sepanyol maaa.... )
Nothing more to comment... Just look at the pix below and you can evaluate it..

Dan ini pula adalah antara tetamu yang hadir memeriahkan majlis tersebut. Cian mak... demam masa tu. Tu yang muka pun tak berapa ceria. Cik Olin dan anak-anak Mak Long pun baru baik daripada demam. Tapi cousin punya pasal... demam pon pegi gak kenduri tuh.

Lastly, semoga kedua-dua mempelai kekal hingga ke akhir hayat... AMIN!!!!

Saturday 1 August 2009

Photographer Ca18761 The New Blog Authors

Glad to have some people to update my blog.

It is a welcome to Photographer CA18761 as one of the blog author for this blog. Personally, at least somebody will help me to update my blog for the whole life. Anyway thanks and welcome.


Wednesday 29 July 2009

Majlis Hari Jadi Staff Bahagian Audit Dalam

Last Wednesday, 29 July 2009, kami di Bahagian Audit Dalam, PERHEBAT telah menganjurkan majlis harijadi staff (fasa 2). The 1st fasa was done somewhere in May 2009. Since we have 6 staff in BAD, the 1st fase is for 3 staff : our boss Pn. Sabariah, Mr. Izham and Mr. Zul.

Hah! inilah wajah2 yang diraikan on that day. Well.. who else... Me Myself (B.O.D. : 25th August), Mr. Zaini (B.O.D, : 20th July) and Mrs. Faezah (B.O.D. : 17 June).
Huhuhu!! kek pada hari tu telah dihadiahkan oleh boss kami.. Thankz Puan.. Mmm.. Yummy.. Chocolate Cake from Secret Receipe.

Menu for that day : Laksam, Pulut Durian, Bingka Roti, Popia Sambal, Kek Coklat, Buah Rambutan dan Mata Kucing dan Air Sirap + Oren). Yang pulut durian tu.. I ler yang masak... hehehe... thanks for all yang memuji masakan tu. Menu yang lain tu semua order jer...

Ini lah antara staff daripada bahagian lain yang turut memeriahkan majlis tersebut. Thanks for all yang sudi datang. Thanks to Yus, K.Zie, Ida, Manja, Siti, K.Midah, Pak Chot, Samat, K.Shida, Zafri, Romli and others.

Ok, thats all for 2day. Our next coming jamuan... insyallah after Hari Raya..

Sunday 26 July 2009

All We Need Is Just A Little Patience.......

Patience No 1 : For the whole week my 2 heroes keep on asking me about Mac Donald (Eziq called it "Mac Nones". What shall I do? In the end..... it doesn't even matter. So we do have a small party at BRP's Petronas that have a "Mac Nones" Booth.

All of us, including Bibi.... eating some burger, sup and chicken. Hubby with a cup of coffee and a Big Mac (his favourite).

Patience No 2 : July 25th, 2009, 3.45 pm. The day was totally hot. I'm too sleepy to drive. After we picking up, Aina & Ekim from their Taekwondo's lesson and sending my cute heroin to her tuition, our car was broken somewhere 4 km from our house. Our tyre was flatted out.
Ohhhh....... what a day.

Luckily, I have my superb heroes around. We changed it. Sabar je la.... It is cost us RM180/-.

Even though, we have our bihun sup somewhere at Damansara Damai for lunch before. The RM180/- is totally flat up our appetite.

What to do ? That thing has done. Sian Abang.... But that's what I call patience. Abang changed the flatted tyre for a few minutes than it's done.

Patience No 3 : July 25th, 2009, 3.45 pm. By the way, just look at my new blue belt master. He just silent and fall a sleep. He just asking for a KIT KATT and a cup of water. Betuah betullll..... My Beloved Hubby just smile and leave it on.

Patience No 4 : July 25th, 2009, 5.45 pm. The whole family is went to Sg. Buloh. Purposely to replace a brand new tyre that flatted out before.
It's done.... at 7.00 pm, we get a new tyre for our Kembara.

Since we were in Sg Buloh, I've mentioned to abang that I've a second planned for that day. I planned to buy Aina sport shoes. But, we dropby to the nearest shop, not only Aina is bagging for a shoes but Ekim and Eziq too. My goodness...... Boleh sengkek ni..... Instead of buying Aina's shoe,
than I have to buy all of their shoes ( Ekim was asking for his shoes, Eziq too and I
understood that Hubby need a new one eventhough he was silent. And forgot to mention Bibik that totally help me on my daily work-she also need a new one.).
Poor me. But, that's mom and wife for. Since that, I bought mine too. Takkan diaorang je kot....

After, everything done.... to cheer my hubby up, we drop by to a small stall for a dinner before we went home.

That was the day, my dear readers. Just an advise that All We Need Is Just A Little Patience .... in doing anything.

Anyway, why should I be patience to them was :-
  1. My Beloved Hubby is somebody special that always there when I need him;
  2. Aina is my cute princess
  3. The 2 Ben 10s (Ekim & Eziq) unexplainable why, I think you know, why.
  4. Bibik is somebody that help me alots in life, especially house work and the family.
Everyone of them are somebody that lighten my life up. Thank you my beloved family.

Friday 24 July 2009

An Energy Touch...... From CA18761 (My Beloved Hubby)

It was a shock for me that my beloved hubby e-mailed me some pixs to fit in, into my blog. Now, he is a little bit creative. That the thing the touch my heart, about him. From an original pix that has been scanned last year to a creative touch up for this year.

Well that the way he want, and he get it.

Firstly, I wonder how a professional accountant like him do it. But in the end, I ended my curiosity with a small assumption that, these are the thing that he learn either from Wazari or maybe Tawam (Redzuan Md Salleh). Anyway, as long that the friends of him is a purely true friend sudah lah..... Ok... Be Totally Carefully Abang, bucuk.......

Original Pix

Black and White Pix

A Touch Up Pix of Mine

Thursday 23 July 2009

Those Was The Day, And The Time Will Never End........

When I'm sneaking around my personal album, I found out a few pix to share with.

These are the memories forever with hubby, poorly hubby was always busy with pix talking. So sometime he is or was not in the pix. I try my best to get one for my diary.

2007 Moments

Flown Away to Sabah for a Vac (Dora's Wedding)

Tugu Peringatan Double Six-Simbulan, Kota Kinabalu
-2007's Vac with Abah and Mak

Muzium Melaka Bandar Bersejarah - 2007's Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

Tugu Negara - 2007's Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

Muzium Negara - 2007's Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

2008 Moments

Penang (Kenegaraan Puzzle- Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia)- 2008's Family Vac

Marina Cove Vac Lumut Vac 1 - 2008's Family Vac

2009 Moments (Part of)

Hari Tentera Darat, Kuala Lumpur - 2009's Family Vac

Lumut Vac 2 : Swiss Garden Lumut - 2009's Family Vac with Abah & Mak Sabah

I guess that, some of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 and a few of our vac in 2007, 2008 and 2009 was not included. Those was the day that never end with Hubby, The Kids, My Beloved Muar Family and My Sabah Family.

Personally, I will include those pixs on the coming sences of "Those Was The Day, And The Time Will Never End.... (Part 2)". Maybe some faces of happinest will be appeared on the part 2 column.