Wednesday 5 August 2009

H1N1 - Beware

Today, early in the morning the news was spread in PERHEBAT... 3 students were confirmed infected H1N1, 1 anak pelatih and 1 anak staff suspected H1N1.
HUH!!!!! WHAT A SHOCK.... suddenly me and friends feel very2 worry about what will happen to us. TAKOT GILER....
Got to tell hubby.... than, my hubby get worry tooo... he asked me to take leave... but if I take leave.... UNTIL WHEN????
Oh my God...... please...please... lindungilah hambamu dan keluargaku ini daripada malapetaka jangkitan H1N1 ini.
Before we go back from work today, all of us (staff) were given 1 mask = 1 staff.
And the students and the teacher from BLTV terima memo kuarantin for 1 week.
From now on.... I've to be more carefull with this H1N1... take care of myself and my family.

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